Setup the application

Basic setup

To set up the application, create a new file config/settings/ in your cloned rdmo-app directory. For the example user with the home /srv/rdmo, this would now be /srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/config/settings/ This file holds the main configuration of your RDMO installation. The file is ignored by git, so when you version your rdmo-app on e.g. GitHub, the information in this file is not disclosed. This is necessary, since the file contains passwords and other secret, machine-specific information.

You can use config/settings/ as template, i.e.:

cp config/settings/ config/settings/

Most of the settings of your RDMO instance are specified in this file. The different settings are explained in detail later in the documentation. For a minimal configuration, you need to set DEBUG = True to see verbose error messages and serve static files, and SECRET_KEY to a long random string, which you will keep secret. Your database connection is configured using the DATABASES variable. Database configuration is covered here in the documentation and has to be configured first. If no DATABASE setting is given sqlite3 will be used as database backend.

Then, initialize the application, using:

python migrate                # initializes the database
python createsuperuser        # creates the admin user

Third party vendor files

By default third party vendor files (like jQuery or Bootstrap javascripts) are retrieved from the content delivery networks that they are hosted on. If you would like to avoid third party requests you could host them yourself. This can be achieved easily with two simple steps.

  1. download the vendor files from the cdns by running the provided script

    python download_vendor_files
  2. make sure your does contain the following line

    VENDOR_CDN = False

RDMO development server

After these steps, RDMO can be run using Djangos integrated development server:

python runserver

Then, RDMO is available on (or http://localhost:8000/) in your (local) browser. The different ways in which RDMO can be deployed are covered in the next chapter. The newly installed RDMO instance is still empty, i.e. there are no questionnaires, attributes, views, etc. available. They need to be imported and/or created as described under Management.