

This is an advanced feature of RDMO.

Plugins can be used to customize or extend specific actions in RDMO using custom Python code outside of the centrally maintained code base. This can be used to perform actions which are specific to a RDMO instance. With the possibility to add code to RDMO comes the danger of introducing additional bugs and security issues. Please be extra careful when using this advanced feature.

Plugins are created by implementing Python classes (e.g. in the local rdmo-app), and register them in the config/settings/ file. These classes need to inherit from prepared base classes in the RDMO source code. We also provide a set of plugins rdmo-plugins, which can be used together with the domain model and the other content in rdmo-catalog.

As of now the following plugins can be created:

  • Project exports (from rdmo.projects.export.Export)

  • Project imports (from rdmo.projects.imports.Import)

  • Optionset providers (from rdmo.options.providers.Provider)

  • Issue providers (from rdmo.projects.providers.IssueProvider)

To be usable by RDMO, the plugins need to be available in the virtual environment in which RDMO is running. There are several possibilities to achieve this, but we suggest to use one of the following two:

  1. If only the plugins provided in rdmo-plugins should be used and no modifications are desired, they can be directly installed from GitHub using:

    pip install git+
  2. If you intent to write plugins yourself or if you want to modify our plugins, you should create a python module in your rdmo-app, which is just a directory containing an empty file. Python files in this directory are then automatically available to your RDMO instance.

    mkdir my_plugins
    touch my_plugins/
    # place, e.g., in my_plugins/

As a last step, the plugins need to be registered in config/settings/ The setting depends on the class of plugin and is described in detail below. Plugins are always specified by a tuple of (key, label, class_name), therefore plugin settings always look like this:

    ('example', _('Example'), 'module.module.module.Plugin'),

Project export plugins

Custom project exports can be created by implementing a class inheriting from rdmo.projects.export.Export. They can be used to create a custom export format to be used by the users to download their project data. The RDMO-XML exports are generated using the rdmo.projects.exports.RDMOXMLExport. Examples from rdmo-plugins are DataCiteExport or MaDMPExport.

The Export plugin class needs to implement a render() function which takes no arguments and returns a django.http.HttpResponse. The export can be created from self.project, self.snapshot and self.values instance variables.

Please refer to for the default project export plugins and code examples. The code which uses the plugin is located in (ProjectExportView).

A special kind of export plugins are ExportProvider. Instead of just returning an output file to be displayed or downloaded, they connect to a different web service. In addition to the render() function, they also need to implement a submit() function. The render() is displayed on the initial HTTP GET request and can show a form, e.g. to display options for the export. The submit() function is called on the subsequent form submisstion, the HTTP POST request.

An ExportProvider can be combined with the OauthProviderMixin to use an OAuth2 authentication with the external web service. Please refer to for a simple or to for a more complicated example.

The export plugin needs to be added to the PROJECT_EXPORTS in config/settings/ The default settings are:

    ('xml', _('as RDMO XML'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.RDMOXMLExport'),
    ('csvcomma', _('as CSV (comma separated)'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.CSVCommaExport'),
    ('csvsemicolon', _('as CSV (semicolon separated)'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.CSVSemicolonExport'),

In order to use the plugins in rdmo-plugins, add the following to your config/settings/

    ('xml', _('as RDMO XML'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.RDMOXMLExport'),
    ('csvcomma', _('as CSV (comma separated)'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.CSVCommaExport'),
    ('csvsemicolon', _('as CSV (semicolon separated)'), 'rdmo.projects.exports.CSVSemicolonExport'),
    ('madmp', _('as maDMP JSON'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.madmp.MaDMPExport'),
    ('datacite', _('as DataCite XML'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.datacite.DataCiteExport'),
    ('radar', _('as RADAR XML'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.radar.RadarExport')

Project import plugins

Similarly, custom project imports can be created implementing a class inheriting from rdmo.projects.imports.Import. They can be used to import project data from files which are uploaded by the user.

The Plugin class needs to implement a check() function which takes no arguments and only returns True if an uploaded file can be imported by this plugin. The self.file_name instance variable can be used for this. In most cases, this will include opening and parsing the file.

In addition, a process() needs to be implemented which takes no arguments and returns None, but extracts the data from the file and populates the self.project, self.catalog, self.values, self.snapshots, self.tasks and self.views instance variables.

Please refer to for the default project import plugins and code examples. The code which uses the plugin is located in (ProjectCreateUploadView, ProjectCreateImportView, ProjectUpdateUploadView, ProjectUpdateImportView).

As with the exports, it is also possible to create ImportProvider plugins, which import from a remote web service. In addition, these plugins need to implement a render() and submit() function, which are used on GET resp. POST requests, as for the exports. They can also be combined with OAuth2 authentication. The GitHub and GitLab import plugins, which are part of RDMO can be considered example implementations:

The import plugin needs to be added to the PROJECT_IMPORTS in config/settings/ The default settings are:

    ('xml', _('from RDMP XML'), 'rdmo.projects.imports.RDMOXMLImport'),

In order to use the plugins in rdmo-catalog, add the following to your config/settings/

    ('xml', _('from RDMP XML'), 'rdmo.projects.imports.RDMOXMLImport'),
    ('madmp', _('from maDMP'), 'rdmo_plugins.imports.madmp.MaDMPImport'),
    ('datacite', _('from DataCite XML'), 'rdmo_plugins.imports.datacite.DataCiteImport'),
    ('radar', _('from RADAR XML'), 'rdmo_plugins.imports.radar.RadarImport'),
    ('github', _('Import from GitHub'), 'rdmo.projects.imports.GitHubImport'),
    ('gitlab', _('Import from GitLab'), 'rdmo.projects.imports.GitLabImport'),

Option set providers

Option set providers allow the creation of dynamic option sets. These option sets do not need to have a fixed set of options configured in the database, but instead dynamically determine which options to display, whenever a user accesses the optionset in the interview. This can be done by fetching resources from a web service and can be based on already given answers. The example implementation of such a plugin is the re3data optionset provider available from rdmo-re3data.

The only function, the plugin class needs to implement, is get_options(self, project). It takes the current project as argument (so it can access the values already entered for the project), and returns the options as a list of the form:

        'external_id': 'ID',
        'text': 'TEXT'

Both the external_id and the text are stored, when the user selects the option. The text will show up in views and exports.

Option set provides can use two class attributes to enable specific behavior:

  • The search attribute can be used together with the autocomplete widget. If search = True the get_options method will get an additional argument search, which contains the current content of the autocomplete input field and can be used to query a remote API.

  • The refresh attribute can be used to force the interview to reload all values after the value for an option set is stored. This can be used in combination with Django signal handlers, which create Value objects automatically, in order to dynamically prefill answers for the users.

The plugin needs to be added to the OPTIONSET_PROVIDERS in config/settings/

    ('<plugin key>', _('<plugin label>'), '')

Afterwards they can be assigned to option sets in the management interface: : ManagementOption setsCreate new option set. In the Create option set choose the plugin in the provider field.

Setup of re3data optionset plugin

In order to use the provider from rdmo-re3data, add the following to your config/settings/

    ('re3data', _('Repositories from re3data'), 'rdmo_re3data.optionsets.re3data.Re3DataProvider')

The re3data optionset will query for repositories that match the research field of the project (as given by the project/research_field/title Attribute). s After configuration of the re3data optionset plugin a new optionset must be added in ManagementOption setsCreate new option set. In the Create option set choose the re3data Provider in the provider field. Don’t forget to choose an appropriate key.

This plugin uses two steps and therefore needs two questions configured in your catalog. Choose ManagementQuestions and then on the right side the cataloge where you want to use the plugin.

  • The first question is the research field and must have the Attribute project/research_field/title with the Option set options/research_fields. Select is collection, if you want to select more than one research field. Select appropriate widget type like Drop-Down or Autocomplete with Value type Text.

  • The second question uses the Attribute of the first question project/research_field/title. As Attribute you can use the existing one project/dataset/sharing/repository or create your own one (ManagementDomain, see Domain). Select the previous created Option set (re3data). Also choose appropriate Widget type like Select drop-down with Value type Text.

Issue providers

Note: Issue providers were previously referred to as service providers.

Issue providers enable users to add integrations to projects. Using these integrations, project tasks (internally called issues) can be send to external services. This can be done using a simple webhook or, more sophisticated, using the OAuth workflow. As reference implementation, RDMO comes with GitHub and GitLab providers, which can be used to push tasks to GitHub or GitLab issues.

The function send_issue(self, request, issue, integration, subject, message, attachments) needs to be implemented by the provider. It takes the request object, the issue to be send, the integration (which can have project specific options for the provider), and the subject, message, attachments to be send. In the case of the GitHub provider, this function performs a POST request using the GitHub API in order to create a new issue. The function needs to return a HttpResponse in the successful case, this will be a redirect. When using the OAuth workflow, a required authorization will result in a redirect to the external service, followed by a redirect to a callback within RDMO, and a subsequent second try to perform the POST request. This should happen transparent to the user.

The provider can also implement a webhook(self, request, integration) which is used to provide a webhook within RDMO to enable the external service to trigger actions, e.g. when an issue is closed.

Furthermore, it needs to implement a property fields, which returns the option fields, which users need to enter when adding an integration to a project. For GitHub, this is the repository and a secret string to secure the webhook. Please refer to the implementation of the GitHubProvider for more details.

GitHub issue provider

The GitHub provider ships with RDMO, needs to be added to the SERVICE_PROVIDERS in config/settings/ in order to be used:

    ('github', _('GitHub'), 'rdmo.projects.providers.GitHubProvider'),

In addition, an “App” has to be registered with GitHub, and the client_id and the client_secret needs to be configured in config/settings/

    'client_id': '',
    'client_secret': ''

Then users can add an integration to their projects, which requires setting the repo in the form <user>/<repo> the tasks from RDMO are send to.

Additionally, but probably only if the project in RDMO is also managed by RDMO staff, a secret can be added to enable GitHub to communicate to RDMO when an issue has been closed. For this to work, a webhook has to be added at<user>/<repo>/settings/hooks. The webhook has to point to https://<your rdmo url>/projects/<project_id>/integrations/<integration_id>/webhook/, the content type is application/json and the secret has to be exactly the secret entered in the integration.

GitLab issue provider

The GitLab issue provider works almost exactly like the GitHub provider, with the exception that the GITLAB_PROVIDER setiings must contain a gitlab_url entry, e.g.:

    ('gitlab', _('GitLab'), 'rdmo.projects.providers.GitLabProvider'),

    'gitlab_url': '',
    'client_id': '',
    'client_secret': ''

Examples of how to install plugins

As mentioned above, there are two possibilities of how to install rdmo-plugins. Depending on your use case you should pick the one that fits you more. The first one using pip does a good job if you are just planning to use the plugins from the repo without modifying these. The other method requires to copy the necessary python files into your local app folder which has advantages if you are planning to modify existing or create your own plugins.

Please note that the imports require Django’s translation utils and that we usually use these with an underscore. If you are getting import errors please check if you have the first of the following lines at the beginning of your You also need to import PROJECT_EXPORTS and PROJECT_IMPORTS as we will later append our imports to these lists. Make sure you also have the second line in your

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from rdmo.core.settings import PROJECT_EXPORTS, PROJECT_IMPORTS

Use pip

To install directly from github simply run

pip install git+

Afterwards you need to configure the plugins you are willing to use in your Here is an example of how to add different export formats. The three strings in brackets configure the url under which the export will be available, the name of the entry in the export menu and the path from where to import the plugin. The path resembles the structure in the rdmo plugins repository. If you look into it you will find the files containing the imported classes mentioned below. At the beginning of the path you use rdmo_plugins because you added rdmo-plugins to your installed python libraries. The dash is replaced by an underscore because python is not very fond of dashes when it comes to imports.

PROJECT_EXPORTS.append(('madmp', _('as madmp'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.madmp.MaDMPExport'))
PROJECT_EXPORTS.append(('datacite', _('as datacite'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.datacite.DataCiteExport'))
PROJECT_EXPORTS.append(('radar', _('as radar'), 'rdmo_plugins.exports.radar.RadarExport'))

Copy files

The other method we recommend when you are planning to modify the plugins or create your own ones is to simply copy the python files into your local app folder. Let’s say you create a subfolder plugins containing another folder exports in your app directory. Then you copy the from the rdmo-plugins into exports. Having done this you can import this file in your local app without specifying a module path. It is found by the importer as it resides in your rdmo app folder. Your import lines in the would look like this:

PROJECT_EXPORTS.append(('madmp', _('as madmp'), 'plugins.exports.datacite.DataCiteExport'))