Setup tests¶
First, create a local.py
cp testing/config/settings/sample.local.py testing/config/settings/local.py
Afterwards edit the local.py
as for a regular RDMO instance.
The fastest way to run tests is to use the sqlite3
engine. For testing, Django creates the data base in-memory for extra fast access. However, afterwards the database is lost, so the --reuse-db
option (see below) will not work and the database needs to be migrated every time you run tests. This can be circumvented by explicitly naming the location of the database on /dev/shm
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'TEST': {
'NAME': '/dev/shm/db.sqlite3'
Running tests¶
# from the root directory of the rdmo repo
pytest -x # stop after the first failed test
pytest --reuse-db # keep the database between test runs
pytest --numprocesses=auto --dist=loadscope # run tests in parallel
pytest rdmo/domain # test only the domain app
pytest rdmo/domain/tests/test_viewsets.py # run only a specific test file
pytest rdmo/domain/tests/test_viewsets.py::test_attribute_list # run only a specific test
pytest -k 'test_validator' # run only set of test files, using substring matching
pytest --cov # show a coverage report in the terminal
pytest --cov --cov-report html # additionally create a browsable coverage report in htmlcov/
pytest --cov=rdmo/domain # only compute coverage for the domain app
end-to-end tests¶
To test the JavaScript frontend with e2e tests, run:
playwright install chromium # install the chromium browser
pytest -m e2e # run the e2e tests with a headless browser
pytest -m e2e --headed # run the e2e tests with a headed browser
pytest -m e2e --headed --slowmo 500 # slow down the browser actions: miliseconds between actions
Testing the app¶
Tests can also be run from the rdmo-app
. To do so, create a pytest.ini
in your rdmo-app
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = config.settings
testpaths = tests env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdmo
python_files = test_*.py
where the path env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdmo
might be adjusted to your system. The path tests
is the directory in your rdmo-app
where you can put custom, site-specific tests. Please refer to the pytest documentation on how to write tests.
Next, create a file conftest.py
import os
import pytest
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.utils import flatten
from django.core.management import call_command
from rdmo.accounts.utils import set_group_permissions
def django_db_setup(django_db_setup, django_db_blocker):
with django_db_blocker.unblock():
fixtures = flatten([os.listdir(fixture_dir) for fixture_dir in settings.FIXTURE_DIRS])
call_command('loaddata', *fixtures)
This file is used to load test data (so-called fixtures) into the database before testing. The fixtures reside in a directory fixtures
in your rdmo-app
. In order to use the same fixtures as the RDMO repo does, copy all files in rdmo/testing/fixtures to the local directory fixtures
. In addition to the fixtures, XML test data needs to provided in a directory xml
. Similar to before, RDMO test data can be obtained from rdmo/testing/xml.