General settings

A few general setting should be included in your config/settings/ The first, and probably most important one is if you run RDMO in debug mode or not:

DEBUG = True

In debug mode, verbose error pages are shown in the case something goes wrong and static assets like CSS and JavaScript files are found by the development server automatically. The debug mode must not be enabled when running RDMO in production connected to the internet.

Django needs a secret key, which “should be set to a unique, unpredictable value”:

SECRET_KEY = 'this is not a very secret key'

This key must be kept secret since otherwise many of Django’s security protections fail.

In production, Django only allows requests to certain urls, which you need to specify:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '']

If you want to run RDMO under an alias like you need to set the base URL:

BASE_URL = '/rdmo'

Furthermore, you might want to choose the main language for RDMO and the timezone:

TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Berlin'